How to communicate in a meeting so that others will listen…

Ever feel your voice, thoughts and opinions are not heard in meetings – so you have to repeat yourself?

Ever feel your voice, thoughts and opinions are not heard in meetings – so you have to repeat yourself?

No More, with these Four…

1. Be Clear, Concise and Compelling:

Clear – What is your overall point? Make it in language understandable by everyone in the room.

Concise – Less is more, always – say your headline first, and then speak for no more than 1 minute. The BBC can explain a war in a headline – leave them wanting more so they will ask you questions about it.

Compelling – So what? – Why should they care and why is it important – personally (their hottest pain and pleasure buttons), for their strategic area and finally for the organisation overall.

2. Be yourself – speak with honesty, passion and show you care – if you don’t, then don’t speak.

3. Use analogies – and people love “stories.”

4. As you speak, make clear and direct eye contact with everyone in the room – one by one – practice this in your team meetings so it becomes natural.

With my love and best wishes

Ps these tips also apply to presentations WATCH
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