Naked Leader

A Quick Engagement Survey…

Time to Read if you are engaged – 53 seconds
Time to Read if you are not – Several hours

Straight from the HR Leadership Alliance, where I was chairing the day, in London last week… the latest hot topic in leadership – engagement surveys.

Great – the engagement of our people is very important

Not so great – are people engaged doing the right things? How much does that lack of engagement cost the company? And, the biggest unanswered question…

If someone is not highly engaged, what is that person doing about it?

Yes, the leader and the organisation may have to do something different but surely the person who ticked the low engagement score is not having much fun, and should take it on board to do something about it, for themselves.

So, if you carry out engagement surveys make sure that your engaged people are working on important projects, monetise your survey and make sure people know that if they are unhappy with something they have the choice, the obligation, to get off their backside and do something about it, rather than hang around waiting for the next survey to come along.

With love to you all
