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Strategic Alignment

Ensure all of your people are aligned with your strategy, agenda and values at every level.

Naked Leader Leadership DNA results achieved. Example results from one of our Clients

Your Outcomes

  • Your people will be aligned with your strategy in all that they do
  • Values will be lived and breathed and actions as opposed to words on a wall
  • Your customers and client service will be the best of the best
  • No more silos!
  • Communication – that thing everyone complains about – will be a problem no more
  • Ideas, creativity and imagination will flow
  • Everyone will feel truly valued, involved and engaged


Bringing a company’s strategy to life through story-telling, personal experiences and case studies. We recently took a company’s boring 14  page strategy and brought it to life as if it was the plot of a film – characters in an adventure. The power was, of course, that this adventure was real, it was theirs, and the strategy was both understood for the first time, and achieved.


Gaining buy in to an organisation’s values at both a logical and emotional level, so they are lived and breathed each and every day, and not just words on a wall. In a series of roadshows we embedded the values of a major global energy company by building on the values that people were already applying, the very opposite of the traditional ‘telling off’ approach. 1,000 people bought into the values in just 10 days.


Cross referencing how people’s focus and projects help deliver the organisational strategy, and how each element of the strategy helps their team. We often work with so-called ‘support’ or ‘back office’ teams – e.g. IT or HR, to demonstrate that they are indeed ‘the business’. This inspiring shift makes people more commercially focused, valued and engaged in all they do.